A daily fix for me is a visit to BFD News site where a humour collect follows the evening open forum “Backchat” called “The BFD Daily Roundup”

Yesterdays edition had a flint stone genre cartoon of two characters one holding a hammer and chisel bemoaning how all the doughnut like rocks he created just rolled away down hill following completion.

Now as one who resists becoming a braindead follower of current mores over the intellectual abilities of pre European arrival Natives of this nation who never even became aware of scribbling down for history only getting to the oral versions of establishing their legends that anyone who has involved themselves in a game of “Chinese Whispers” knows instinctively is a very unreliable method of recording such stuff, let alone discovering the very basic engineering aid of round things being much simpler to move across their “Motu”

I guess such labour saving progress can be easily ignored when a quick visit to a neighbouring Tribe for some killing and plunder will not only fill a protein deficit, it had the ability to enable capture of some slaves to put to physical toil, was so simply achieved.

The very notion that pre nineteenth century natives were “navigators”, ” environmentalists”, “peaceful peoples living in harmony with each other and nature”, is a mountain of bullshit approaching Alice in Wonderland levels.
The facts indicate zero ability to build anything beyond chipped wood, instead of ceramics and glass, sticks and staves instead of swords and arrows, no metallurgy skill, and no written language in spite of suggested notions they likely originated from Taiwan a few kilometers across the sea from a long standing seat of knowledge and discovery, China, that has centuries of discovery equal to Persia, that include language, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, physics, all genuine building blocks of advancement.

Today of course by garnering some basic skills from western culture and combining with a native cunning have assembled accoutrements of power they think is clever when in simple terms is merely criminal in nature only achieved in cahoots with academics whose ivory tower moulded intellect ignores basic democratic norms in subservient search for acceptance.

And that pesky clubbing affinity in problem solving seems little diluted after two centuries of cultural exposure that has long been seen as not that productive in advancing progress to actual peaceful coexistence with fellow Humans of any race and culture, including their own seriously misnamed Maoridom, encompassing tribal allegiance altered by warfare and enslavement over decades not allowed to influence the status of 1840 in situ.