So yes, Trump has been bad for the Western Alliance nations. He has fundamentally weakened the Alliances. Biden will get them working again.

I never fail to laugh at the cloth-eared idiocy of that prediction made about Joe Biden several years ago.

A more accurate description was supplied a few years earlier by the widely respected Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates (Secretary of Defence for both GW Bush and Obama: very bipartisan) in his autobiography:

[Biden has] been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.

He just demonstrated this again the other day during a campaign speech:

You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants. We look to — the reason — look, think about it… Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants.

Out of the four nations he insulted as xenophobic, Japan is a staunch ally and India an increasingly strong partner despite its traditional non-aligned status.

What a cretin.

This is far worse and more diplomatically moronic than anything that Trump ever said, but as expected in the world of double standards the Western MSM coverage has been po-faced and neutral in having to report this. As usual you know the reaction, had it been Trump, would have been wall-to-wall screaming meltdowns.

Indian foreign minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar pushed back gently, pointing out that their economy is growing well and that they have a CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) to open the doors for immigrants they need!

Japanese politicians were not so reserved:

Responding to Biden’s accusations of xenophobia, Mizuho Umemura, a member of the conservative Nippon Ishin no Kai Party, who holds a seat in the House of Councilors, pointed out that migration is a huge problem in Europe and that few countries have actually solved that issue. Umemura noted that Biden should “solve the problem in New York before he says things like this,” and that the next presidential election could see a complete reversal of America’s immigration policy, so there is “no need for Japan to follow suit.”

The leader of the right-leaning Sansai Party, Sohei Kamiya, was less polite. 

“It’s not that we’re xenophobic, we are being cautious after seeing your failures,Kamiya said of Biden and his policies. “You are meddling too much in our internal affairs.”

You knew how bad this was as his staff ran to the MSM to put out talking points along the lines of “What the President meant…”. No wonder they want him reading from prescribed note cards at all times.