I gave up on US TV comedy after Barack Obama became President and the head of Saturday Night Live said that they had a hard time satirising the guy because he was so awesome:

“It’s like being a rock climber looking up at a thousand-foot-high face of solid obsidian, polished and oiled,” Downey says. “There’s not a single thing to grab onto — certainly not a flaw or hook that you can caricature.

Hang on a second while I vomit.

And it’s only got worse since then as they’ve held back from going after the most mockable President in decades, plus an even more mockable Vice President (The unbearable lightness of Kamala Harris), and all because they’re terrified of helping Bad Orange Man become President again.

However, as the fortunes of Biden decline some of the American comedic Left have apparently decided to go after him at least a little bit – adding comedy power to various sober Democrat MSM journalists who’ve begun to pressure Biden to quit. Not late night hosts like Stephen Colbert of course, who continues to be the supreme cock-holster of the Democrats, but the show which launched his career, the The Daily Show. But being a reliably Lefty show it still hasn’t exactly been an onslaught to match decades of attacks on Republicans.

So it is with a sense of amazement that I watched the following skit from The Daily Show, which has come close to dying since Jon Stewart retired years ago, and hasn’t been doing all that much better with his recent return. But the lady in this skit, Desi Lydic, is very good (see this bit on AI voices):

It’s a process I call speaking without thinking. It’s not about the destination of the thought, it’s about the journey and how many words you use to describe the journey.

The Democrat-MSM-Hollywood complex must be in real panic mode about Biden’s re-election if they’re willing to takedown Harris like this, and if the Democrats still think they can replace Biden with Harris after this going viral they need to drop more acid.