And you thought the Aurora Australis looked cool.

This May 21, in Daisen, Japan, photographer Maashii captured pillars of light. Caused by the reflection of light on suspended ice crystals. These light columns appear in cold weather, formed by natural (sun) or artificial (streetlight) sources, and vary in color and intensity. Common in polar regions, they can also be observed elsewhere under favorable conditions.

I think I may have posted a link to one of the following videos a few years ago, and then found later that the Instagram account had died but now they’ve done a compilation, so enjoy a happy dog in piles of leaves.

In the following video I totally support the batter’s actions when next up to bat after taking a fastball to the body earlier in the game. There are times when you know such a pitch is no accident.

Finally, while many people want to forget the Great Chinese Lung Rot Pandemic – especially the assholes who gloried in the control over others that it gave them – I’d like to think the rest of us will be mining it for black humour for years to come.