As noted by my co-blogger, “Tinman”, there has been a rise in “populism” across Europe, now breaking through the European Parliamentary elections, and likely soon to follow in the elections of individual nations like Germany and France. In each case there will be varying reasons but it’s fair to say that there are two powerful issues common across almost all of Europe: Islamic immigrants and Green-Energy/Climate Change policies – and the support of both by most of the current political actors.

Given France’s massive nuclear energy industry the Climate-Change energy scam doesn’t count for much. That leaves Islamic Immigration as the big issue and here is yet another report about why that is, and this one does not concern the banlieues of Paris and other urban areas where excuses can be made by TPTB about various types of oppression that are the basis for Muslim riots and where Muslims form an overwhelming majority in some banlieues. No, this story comes from a little rural village far to the southeast of Paris:

Young French farmers from the villages of Saint-Marcellin and Pont-en-Royans organized a “farmers’ ball” on Saturday evening, May 24, held at the Murinais ballroom. It was to have been a night of innocent fun. They had not counted on Muslim immigrants from Saint-Marcellin showing up with mayhem on their minds. Six Muslims came to the hall, and waited outside. When two farmers left the ball, the Muslims attacked them and. began to beat them up. At that point, other farmers streamed out to help defend their fellows, and the Muslims then fled, only to return later with their own reinforcements, and proceeded to attack the now-outnumbered farmers. One of the farmers was repeatedly kicked and punched, and suffered serious injuries to his head, sufficient to incapacitate him fr 13 days. 

The article points out this is not uncommon, pointing to an almost identical, but far worse, incident that occurred in a similar part of rural France just a few months ago in November, 2023:

Local, farmers had organized an annual “winter ball” attended by many people from the surrounding area. Just as the evening was ending, and people streamed from the hall, a gang of Muslims, armed with knives, arrived at about 1:30 a.m., and began stabbing the French people. Nine people were stabbed with knives, while others were hit with stones and fences. Eight people were treated for shock. 16-year-old Thomas Perotto was stabbed in the heart and the throat, and died. Two others, aged 23 and 28, were treated as “absolute emergencies” while six others were treated for minor injuries. Witnesses said that when the Muslims arrived, they yelled out “we’re here to kill the whites.”

And they were deadly serious, and seemingly unapologetic (the apologies and excuses have been made by others, typically France Whites). That happened in the little village of Crépol (population just 400), also in a rural area SE of Paris.

How much more of this shit do the likes of Macron and the rest of the École nationale d’administration graduate set think the French people will accept before voting for the “unacceptable” “Far Right” party of Le Pen?