An update because now the European press is in as Biden ends the G7 Euro conference…

Including weird shit sniffing the Pope? Or at least showing Biden’s usual lack of personal space:

“President” Biden’s mental and physical problems are now coming at such a fast pace – often multiple episodes per day – that it’s getting hard to pick the best, meaning the worst, ones. The graphic above was done three years ago but back then he could still be hidden by his staff with minimal tasks on his published daily schedule, followed by early “lids” (no public interactions at all), and lots of days off down at his Delaware beach house (he’s spent 40% of his time on vacation).

But with election campaign in full swing and no Covid excuses to hide in the basement, he has to be on the road around the USA and being seen, which means video like the ones below are unavoidable. The is certainly a classic for the ages – and for a whole bunch of reasons beyond Biden’s obvious problem.

That’s some stutter!

A few months ago the GOP Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, had a couple of episodes like this in front of microphones and after some excuse-making he, his staff and certainly his family, announced that he was finally retiring at the age of 81.

Frankly, even if it means Kamala Harris being President for a few months, followed by a Democrat win in this year’s election, either by her (less likely than Biden) or someone else shanghaied into the process, it would be better than this horror show of national cringe for the USA – and frankly increasing risk for the world.