The room that is, not the scripted emotive based crap defense lawyers employ and prosecutors decline to adequately challenge to get soft repercussions for breaking laws at sentencing.

One does not need training beyond the university of actual life in the real world to see the stupendous piles of utter bulshit offered up in mitigation and I long for the day when a judge finds the testicular fortitude to just tell some brief on the verge of tears to shut up while a possible shred of dignity remains.

I wonder if the rather French speciality of defense in murder offered by “Crime of Passion” where some jilted lover might be seen justified in entering on a Murderous response, still exists.

Probably extinguished along with so many other common sense based approaches submersed in greater european stupidity.

Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman was clearly a thief, not a sad case of a one off mental aberration, the woman by being caught at least four times stealing from high end fashion stores in two cities was a recidivist shoplifter and kudos to Justice June Jelas for recognising the offending was not acceptably justified on any grounds nor was entering convictions following pleas of Guilty to be avoided.

Yes the stupid woman who arrived in this country in very doubtful circumstances as a “Fakeugee” enroute from Malaysia to Fiji absconding with family during a stopover at AKL, is facing serious career altering outcomes as a result of her misjudging stupidity, only magnified by a spectacular fall from grace too often wrongly allowed for in sentencing.

The current environment for socialist stupidity to be taken into such decisions by judicial officials who allow their wider political beliefs to impinge upon interpreting the law has seen a continual decline in woeful decision making and it is hoped the judiciary as a whole just might be accepting the views of the common people just might be affronted by such soft decision making.
One swallow does not a summer make but here is hoping this action by June Jelas is not a blip but a real signal too many have seen enough already.