See also Gleen Greenwald’s take on the MSM coverup, right up to the last two weeks where the “Cheap Fake” bullshit created by the White House was regurgitated endless by the MSM.
(start at 23m on Rumble)

The entire debate summed up in one look. And in fact the side-by-side comparisons of Trump and Biden were worse, especially when Trump was talking and Biden just stood there looking like that. Prepping for a debate surely involves knowing how to look as much as what to say, and Biden has been doing these for fifty years and surely once knew that. But now he doesn’t even have that measure of control.

Before the debate I provided two reasons why I would not be watching it:

  1. TV debates are not as important in an election campaign as they are claimed to be because people soon forget them and remember perhaps only one big thing, usually a soundbite. They’re actually quite boring as mere soundbites are thrown around. There’s no evidence that they change existing trends in a campaign. They may emphasise an existing trend but that’s about it.
  2. In this particular debate both men – and their foibles – are so well known that nothing was going to happen that would shift the polling needles.

I stand by those reasons even in the wake of what can only be described as a catastrophe for Biden – a CNN poll of their viewers had Trump winning by 66% to 33%. For shits and giggles you can read this X thread from some sad little sychophant following the debate with “attaboys” for Biden (“BOOM! Biden just called out Trump for…”)

But even so the boredom remained, many people turning it off after a few minutes because it was too painful to watch Biden any longer. And although I allowed for a dramatic event that might shake things up, that didn’t happen either, even with two or three extracts that fill the soundbite role – and not to Biden’s advantage (I’ll put a couple at the bottom of this post) – they weren’t decisive. But there’s nothing of substance to discuss either, as usual.

No, the one big thing that came out of the debate was not a single event but a theme that ran throughout the 90 minutes, and that theme was that everybody saw what had been discussed primarily by the Right-Wing going into it: Biden has senile dementia. The one thing Biden had to do was address rising concerns on his side about his “age” – which was their code for his cognitive problem.

NBC News/MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan warned on Friday that Biden “absolutely cannot have a senior moment at this debate” because focus group Democrats she’d talked to in states like Michigan and Wisconsin had stressed that they had serious concerns about Biden’s age and physical fitness.

Well he had “senior moments”. Many of them. He not only failed to stop the trend, he actually made it worse. The debate emphasised something that was already trending and the Trump campaign was quick to take advantage of it, with an advertisement that actually does nothing but allow Biden to talk, which is quite an angle to take but perfect for this situation.

Now it may be that if Biden is booted from the campaign by the Democrat Powers That Be, people will look back at this debate as the reason. But again, the likes of Democrat heavy hitters like David Axelrod (Obama’s go-to guy) and James Carvill (Bill Clinton’s go-to guy) were already talking about this months ago. I’ll deal with that type of fallout in a separate post.

But the focus of this debate post is the other main type of fallout: the MSM has taken a heavier blow than Biden. That’s the real outcome of this debate and the MSM themselves know it, as none other than a CNN post-debate discussion showed.

That’s exactly right. Even resident Biden apologist Chuck Todd over at NBC realised with horror that the Right-Wing media has been right all this time about Biden’s physical and mental frailties:

You know, one of the things was when either candidate looked like the caricature that the other campaign has been trying to paint of them – and at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight, right, this was – you saw it before your eyes.

Dude! Even in your industries death throes you’re still spinning? How about the caricature of Biden that you and the rest of the MSM have painted of this ambulatory root vegetable since 2019. The fucking gaslighting you were endulging in right up to today as thet actually tried to defy what people saw with their eyes:

People noting the videos of Biden’s decrepitude were branded as liars and trafficking in “cheap fake” propaganda. Thursday night was a 90-minute presentation of “cheap fake” evidence, except it was live, uncut, unedited, properly framed, not “taken out of context,” or devoid of any other excuse journalists spat out to describe fully accurate presentations.

The consuming lie agreed upon by our journalism industry has been laid bare. These people who lorded with unearned condescension and told us how wrong we had been to note the obvious are today voicing the exact same things they previously judged to be taboo. It has been a matter of days – just days – and they have swung 180 degrees out of phase on this narrative. Last week’s “Don’t you DARE” has become today’s “Well, something obviously must be done.” 

From. The. Exact. Same. Journalists.

And not just ordinary people but even other journalists who dared to question the glitter of the Emperor’s new clothes.

The big joke here is that CNN may have actually recovered some of its reputation, courtesy of its two Trump-hating moderators, Tapper and Bash, who actually stayed out of the debate. Of course this has resulted in mass-“Liberal” bitching about them not “fact-checking” Trump in real time.


A key soundbite…

And here’s the supercut by Tom Elliot of countless MSM sources covering for Biden, as featured in Glenn Greenwald’s Rumble video at the start of this post.