I’ve been out socialising and ignoring the debate, but rumour has it – and the texts and other messages from American friends, both GOP and Democrat, tell me that while I was wise to watch yet another US Presidential debate fustercluck – it would appear that real consequences may flow from this one.

Wow!. That from very liberal law professor Ann Althouse:

Those who have had access to Biden over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying he’s just fine — he’s very sharp. They kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his weakness, but they sent him out for this debate. My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up, and the panic response — reported by the CNN commentators immediately after the debate — was not sudden and emotional but a cold sober plan to cover up 2 years of lying about Biden’s condition.

In the last few weeks we’ve been scolded about believing our own eyes, told what we were seeing were “cheap fakes.” These were people using Biden for their own concerted purposes, and now they’d like to drop him. They would have Weekend-at-Bernied him over the finish line if they could, but it seems they decided to wheel him out in public on one big occasion, let us watch him for 90 horrible minutes, and then act as if they suddenly realized this man can’t do the job.