I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British peopleAs on so many other issues, you sought to put off tough decisions in order to minimise political risk to yourself.

I strongly urge you to read it all by clicking on the X link. Three pages of solid argument.

It’s from this lady Suella Braverman, who I think we’re going to be hearing a lot more from in the years to come.

She was already fairly popular with the conservative wing of the British Conservative Party, and it seems to me that this is also throwing down the gauntlet for the leadership when Sunak and the Tories almost certainly go down to a deserved thrashing in next year’s general election.

Basically she’s taking Sunak to task for not even trying to fulfill pledges made by the Tories in their manifesto issued during the landslide election win of 2019, and also made personally to her. The specific ones she lists are:

  • Reducing legal immigration by stopping the scams around students and salary thresholds.
  • Reduce illegal immigration, including legislation so as not to be caught up in European law.
  • Deliver the Northern Ireland Protocol and Retained EU Law Bills in their existing form and timetable.
  • Put a stop to the Trans crap in schools and make sure the parents know what is being taught.

She argues that Sunak has not delivered on these four policies that he swore to her and the public were top priorities:

These are not just pet interests of mine. They are what we promised the British people in our 2019 manifesto which led to a landslide victory. They are what people voted for in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Your rejection of this path was not merely a betrayal of our agreement, but a betrayal of your promise to the nation that you would do “whatever it takes” to stop the boats.

And this has happened despite a massive amount of work that she and her staff have done on law, policy detail and actions that would have enabled them, leading her to conclude in the most blistering part of the letter that he’s a squish (my term not hers) who never wanted to do them:

I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British people.

She also points out that he has failed to tamp down the explosion of Jew-hatred that has erupted with the so-called “Pro-Palestinian” marches in London – and again because he’s a squish:

Another cause for disappointment–and the context for my recent article in the Times has been your failure to rise to the challenge posed by the increasingly vicious antisemitism and extremism displayed on our streets since Hamas’s terrorist atrocities of 7th October.

As on so many other issues, you sought to put off tough decisions in order to minimise political risk to yourself. In doing so, you have increased the very real risk these marches present to everyone else.

This sounds familiar. As does this, Advice from the peanut gallery Braverman is already been hit with the “extremist” tag and will be more so in the years to come.