“Yesterday, Rashida Tlaib took a clarifying vote in which she stood her ground alone, bravely, I am sure she thinks. She refused to condemn the rape of women by Hamas.”

In a previous post I noted how some parts of the GOP Establishment (GOPe) finally seem to be getting a clue that theres is no going back to a pre-Trump Republican party.

But do they really get the change, even with articles like the National Review one I referred to in that post?

I don’t think so and this response to another NR piece attacking some Democrat legislation really does capture another aspect of this GOP problem:

Also this, which goes to the heart of the GOPe’s uselessness in which good faith is eternally assumed about their opponents:

And here’s a local example of the sheer uselessness of pointing out “their hypocrisies and double-standards” from last year with DPF over at Kiwiblog doing one of his usual Compare and Contrast posts:

A National candidate in an unwinable seat two years ago shared a poem on Facebook that made a comparison between Jacinda Ardern and Hitler. National’s responses is to (correctly) make him resign.

Labour MP compared John Key to Hitler and defends what she said, before eventually apologising. She is now a front bench Cabinet Minister.

Yes. She is. Because the Left don’t care. The thing to note is that they wouldn’t even care if they did think they were hypocrites employing double standards: they care about winning and if that means putting another useless, incompetent POS on the front bench, with all her hypocrisies and double standards still intact, then that’s what they’ll do.

Of course they have double standards. That’s why this game works for them, that’s the whole fucking point; to apply one set of rules to damage their opponents while not applying the same rules to themselves. Here’s an example from the past with Lenin Think and the Modern Left, although in this case it was Trotsky responding to “the high priests of liberalism” asking how Bolshevik use of arbitrary power differs from Tsarist practices – and sneering at their idiocy:

You do not understand this, holy men? We shall explain it to you. The terror of Tsarism was directed against the proletariat. . . . Our Extraordinary Commissions shoot landlords, capitalists, and generals . . . . Do you grasp this—distinction? For us Communists it is quite sufficient.

Speaking of Right Wing And Very Christian Voice David French – he’s gone from National Review to… the New York Times, where he writes about how things like Critical Race Theory, Drag Queen Story Hour and the whole Trans movements are The Blessings of Liberty. He also now produces Tweets like this:

To which two great responses:

What a courageous man: attacking Christians in the NYT. I hope they don’t fire him.

So at Easter, he uses that time and space to attack other believers. Well done David, the devil nods his approval.

Sure, Trump broke his brain, like so many others. But you have to now think that, like Bush and the rest of the GOPe, he was never really on the side of conservatives of any stripe.