SailGP may abandon Lyttelton as a venue.

I have little idea as to what financial benefit may have accompanied Coutts Circus, however my contacts amongst a few aficionados has me thinking it would have been well worthwhile and not only for the part bred native grifters who became suddenly elevated to carers of sea life after centuries of exploitation of any and all creatures they could capture.

Maybe Sir Russell never read the conditions that made part and parcel of the consent resulting in the cancelling of Saturday racing last weekend but apparently a lone dolphin seeking the clear and obvious pleasure the mammals discover around boats that any pleasure boat occupant soon encounters, had a lone dolphin on the Course.

Yes the SailGP vessels are quicker, up to an estimated 40 Kph above that achieved by dolphins and Jet skies, however as regards maneuverability, I would back the dolphin over both those regular users of Harbour waters.

Evidently the wonderful conservationists descended in part from the natives encountered by Tasman, Cook and other seafarer’s coming in contact with these islands who were well on course to wipe out to extinction the Moa, and several easy prey birds using mainly clubs, have now inherited a dubious place as conservators of sea life for a suitable fee of course. Sir Russell seems disillusioned, no sh#t Sherlock who might have foreseen that coming.

Ahh well onto another opportunity, plenty more “fish” in the sea and many other places I guess.

Not a first and only incident encountered by commercial activity leading to ending of wealth creation for many and certainly not destined to be a last. I live in hope, likely in vain, that reason and nous may eventually overcome the idle ticket clippers desire to magic up wealth transfer from a claimed ethnicity.
I for one will not miss the regatta however the outcome possibly resulting from unforeseen greed and inanity may well have ended this one particular activity along with financial advantages for racists, academics, and the many who indulge in sailing water sports.
Along with many in hospo- accommodation, transport, food and beverage, indeed all retail and service.

Oh and the IRD.