For many, many moons the division of labour was obvious

Men, who could think outside the square, would do the fighting, the exploring, the inventing, the actual hard work and, because they did these things, the major decision making.

Sheilas would have some control, often a lot, from the back seat.

Men recognised that sheilas were excellent at the details, the small things. A barrel of onions delivered by the seller had better have 132 onions in it as promised, 131 wouldn’t cut it, so men allowed sheilas to run their houses knowing that the big decisions would ultimately control everything.

Thousands upon thousands of years passed and this system worked fine, men advancing from South African trees through hamlets and towns a to large cities across the globe. Damn near the whole planet filled up.

Advancement towards nirvana was obvious continuously.

The only real hiccup was when a group from a peninsula in the Mediterranean, known mainly for their desire to put pieces of their anatomy in strange places, came up with a system to dilute the meaning of “men” to include male sheilas – a backward step that continues to haunt mankind. Now known, of course, as “democracy”.

Throughout all this time a few sheilas, accidentally, got to leadership positions. Every single one by surrounding themselves with men.

Despite this, not a single one survived, most dying before their allotted time.

Then, about 150 years ago, the sheilas recognised that by using the technology created by men, and the fact that they could lie and cheat as well as anyone there was opportunity. The number of men was always lower due to the fight for supremacy.

Because men did all the hard work, the fighting etc. Sheilas had the numbers if they could convince enough male sheilas to give them a chance.

One hundred years later and the sheila take-over was complete. Switzerland, the last hold for humanity, fell.

Now sheilas ran the land, hammering the small details to corrupt everything. The last 50 have been bad.

Deterioration has quickly followed this unfortunate change.

The Western part of the world has so far seen the worst of this deterioration: wars are more personal and nastier, corruption is rife, thieving and other dishonesty is now the accepted way of life, everything must be controlled by the few (sheilas) to the finest degree and, worst of all, humour is forbidden.

In our world racist thieves are given free reign, a group of them, correctly driven out of the Pacific (You don’t really think they came to a group of cold, foodless Islands voluntarily, surely) are allowed to attempt to destroy the country simply so they can get everything for nothing, the Poms get to choose between two incompetents, both of whom will seriously damage their country, the Seppos are ruled by a grossly corrupt fellow put into his position because of the colour of his skin and using a dead puppet as his front-man, the Canuks by a disgusting sheila in trousers, the Frogs, similar.

The rest of Europe is worse, with two exceptions. South America may be on the turn and Africa is the Wild West with AK47s and tanks.

Almost everywhere around the world where sheilas hold sway things go backwards.

India stands out, mainly because even now India don’t really know what they are or who rules them.

The only two genuine World Leaders are Messers Xi and Putin.

I don’t know the answer and I won’t be alive to see it enacted.

Maybe it will start with the much rumored but unlikely to happen World take-over by the gentlemen mentioned above.

That would be a good thing!

NOTE: For “sheila” look up girly-men, femminist, poofta, weak PoS, typical leftie.