Not of course the famous one who was Archbishop of Canterbury during the reign of Henry VIII who was a key leader of the English Reformation, but a highly appropriate pseudonym for one Philip Crump, a commercial lawyer who has done sterling work uncovering the crap that lay behind the infamous Three Waters fiasco of the last Labour Government.

Here’s his Substack, which I’m going to add to the links on the right-hand side of this blog’s homepage, listed under the “Right” section of such links.

He also has an X account, and the following is just one example of the research he does. Who needs MSM journalists any longer when we have citizen-journalists like this?

This story shows once again what a total bunch of grifters the Green Party MP’s are, with travel expenses that are out-of-whack with what they actually do as MP’s. Darleen Tana has hardly even been in Parliament this year and is currently suspended by the Greens since March 14 as they investigate allegations made about her husband’s e-bike business.

And regarding that MSM, here’s another research gem he uncovered a few days ago.