You will all remember former Transport Minister etc Michael Wood. You don’t – well let me prompt you:

He of `Rivers of Filth’ infamy.

The man who forgot to sell his Auckland Airport and other shares after being prompted to do so about 16 times.

I think he might have been the `bike bridge’ genius as well among his many other failures as a Minister.

Well any way it seems he has struck out again. This time because he initiated a court case against TVNZ for cutting staff without proper consultation.

This has come back to `bite Woods in the arse’ because The Herald is apparently saying the following as quoted by Artemesia in the Kiwiblog General Debate this morning:

`Herald today, paywalled – What’s eating TVNZ? The major financial, operational and leadership challenges facing state TV broadcaster…

Long article by Shayne Currie, well worth a read if able to. Hint- the future is digital.

Just focusing on one issue raised there. The legal setbacks at the Employment Relations Authority and in the Employment Court have been expensive and time-consuming. The cases were based on collective contract Clause 10.1.1, requiring union members to be consulted very very early in the process, the clause apparently sitting idle for some two decades.

Expensive? Sounds like more job cuts coming up than planned. Perhaps the union thinks it won.

Thanks for that Arty and Kiwiblog.

I haven’t bothered with a link as it is “paywalled’ so I haven’t even read the full shebang myself but, I have faith in arty his contributions to the General Debate are always worth reading.

If the interpretation is right what are the odds that those going will be Union Members – good one Michael.