Biden celebrating with former KKK leader, Senator Byrd (D)

My Dad once told about how the famous British General Bernard Montgomery was asked after WWII whether he might like to go into politics and he declined, saying:

War is a dirty business, but politics, by gum!

I’ve never looked into the story to see if it’s apocryphal but given that politics appears at the highest levels of the military I’d wager that Monty knew how to play the dirty game. Incidentally it’s one of Harry Truman’s few mistakes that he thought General Eisenhower would get done over by Washington D.C. when he became President. Truman somehow failed to notice that as the WWII European Supreme CiC, Eisenhower had to play politics at the highest levels as he kept prima donnas like Monty and Patton in line while also dealing with actual politicians like DeGaulle and Churchill.

Still, in politics, unlike war, you don’t expect your own side to stab you in the back, except when it comes to wars being fought by Israel. They’ve been through this before of course, as they watched France run for the hills after the 1967 war in the face of Arab oil boycotts and such. No more Mirage jet fighters for the Yids.

The latest betrayal is not yet at that scale, even though it involves very senior American politicians, only because it hasn’t reached the stage of denying weapons – just trying to interfere with Israel elections:

“The world has changed — radically — since [October 7], and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” Schumer said in what was described as a major speech. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “lost his way,” Schumer added, “by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel.” Schumer went on to accuse Netanyahu of aligning with “far-right extremists” who are “pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows.”

You can read the full text of Schumer’s long speech here, but those quotes accurately reflect the thrust of the whole speech. This is reckless on Schumer’s part for any number of reasons.

First and foremost, it’s giving huge encouragement to Hamas in their propaganda war against the Jews, which is the only win they’re going to get as they lose the military battles, but which is more important to them in the long run.

Second, it has a slight risk of dividing Israel in their war against Hamas, which would be literally fatal not just to Netanyahu’s government but to the nation itself, given the other similar enemies it faces like Hezbollah just across the border with Lebanon, plus Iran lurking in the background pulling the strings of their various Jew-hating proxy terrorist groups dedicated to destroying Israel.

Imagine FDR calling for new elections in England in 1940. Of course you can’t because FDR was an Anglophile (mostly) and German-Americans almost entirely opposed the Nazis – unlike WWI when they either supported the Kaiser or simply doubted the British claims, in which they were joined by the even larger Irish-American faction who hated Britain with a passion, all of that contributing to keeping America out of that war for three years.

And that’s what’s at work here. The most sickening aspect is that Schumer’s speech is more driven by domestic American politics than the Israel-Hamas war. A couple of months ago I looked at some of the issues facing the Democrat Party and Biden in the 2024 election, including some of the demographics that have begun to unexpectedly turn away from them: one in particular:

Part of Biden’s problem in the state is the large Muslim community, who are not at all happy with his stance on the Israel-Hamas war, 

We’ve already seen Biden trying to fix this by increasingly criticising Israel’s conduct of the war and Netanyahu in particular, from quoting Hamas numbers on dead civilians to building a floating dock to enable supplies of food and medicine to go into Gaza.

As a result I had no doubt from the start that the Whitehouse schemed with Schumer to provide cover for Biden by making an even harsher attack on Israel, narrowing it to Netanyahu, and hoping that with Schumer being a Jew and a long-time, solid supporter of Israel (he made a big deal of all this early in the speech) it would act as a shield against American-Jewish anger:

My last name is Schumer, which derives from the Hebrew word Shomer, or “guardian.” Of course, my first responsibility is to America and New York. But as the first Jewish Majority Leader of the United States Senate, and the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in America ever, I also feel very keenly my responsibility as Shomer Yisroel — a guardian of the People of Israel.

We love Israel in our bones. What Israel has meant to my generation, within living memory of the Holocaust, is impossible to measure. The flowering of the Jewish people in the desert from the ashes of the Holocaust, and the fulfillment of the dream of a Jewish homeland — after nearly two thousand years of praying and waiting — represents one of the most heartfelt causes of my life.

Schumer is trying to thread a very small needle here in pretending to Muslim-Americans that the Democrat Party supports many of their demands – while also pretending to Jewish-Americans that they still support Israel.

That tiny thread and needle also requires arguing that the Israeli public are not overwhelmingly backing Netanyahu in this war, something not evident in polls or protests to date or from Opposition politicians, whatever other problems they’ve had with him in peacetime and whatever may happen to him after the war is over: thus the following from Opposition leader and former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett:

Regardless of our political opinion, we strongly oppose external political intervention in Israel’s internal affairs. We are an independent nation, not a banana republic. With the threat of terrorism on its way to the West, it would be best if the international community would assist Israel in its just war, thereby also protecting their countries.

It’s not the first time: In 2014-2015 Obama went directly into the Israeli election:

The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election. The “Anyone but Bibi” mission is headed by Jeremy Bird, Obama’s National Field Director in his successful presidential campaigns. Under Bird, a group called “Victory 15” has been set up. It has recruited the young activists from Israel’s 2013 social protest movement and will man a massive social network and personal contact campaign to defeat Bibi. V15 is financed by an NGO called “One Voice” whose motto is to be “the voice of mainstream Israelis and Palestinians.” Research finds that One Voice is funded by John Kerry’s State Department.

I expect Netanyahu to finally quit when this war is over, given his age and what’s happened to past Israeli PM’s whose strategies have ended up delivering Israel into war.

Back on the US domestic front, Schumer and company obviously think they can keep American Jews onboard the Democrat Party by arguing that this is all down to the same sort of “far-right extremists” supporting Trump, MAGA and the J6 “insurrection” – which means it also ties in neatly with their primary arguments for the US 2024 election: a “twofer”.

Their gambit is going to fail on all fronts. Muslim-Americans will see it as much less than they are demanding, which is a ceasefire and the cessation of Israeli military attacks on Hamas and Gaza. Many Jewish-Americans – already unnerved by the response of fellow Democrats and Lefties with whom they overwhelmingly associated – and certainly their friends and relatives in Israel, will see it as objectively siding with Hamas, enabling the survival of a holocaustal group, as well as directly interfering in their nation’s governance. In the USA the GOP saw right through it:

Senator Tom Cotton has posted a statement responding to Schumer. Senator Cotton sees the unstated obstacle Schumer is addressing: “[T]he main elections that worry Chuck Schumer aren’t Israel’s but our elections because the rampant antisemitism that the Democratic Party has allowed to fester in its ranks is massively unpopular with the pro-Israel American public.”

In short this gambit will fail primarily because it’s such transparent pandering during a time when “President” Biden is in serious political trouble on all fronts just months out from the election. Back and forth crap like the following also doesn’t fool anybody. Here’s a report from the day after Schumer’s speech:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is under fire Thursday for his highly inappropriate Senate speech calling for new elections in Israel. Even the White House is attempting to distance itself from Schumer’s dangerous and reckless election interference.

And here’s Biden today:

President Biden hailed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday for calling on Israel to have a “new election” as soon as possible, with Biden telling reporters the Brooklyn Democrat made a “good speech”“Senator Schumer contacted my staff, my senior staffer, that he was going to make that speech”

Of course. No surprise. This is the Democrat Party in 2024. That’s who many Jewish Democrats are. They use their Jewishness as a political tool in the same way other factions of the party use their identities as “feminists”, LGBTQ+, Blacks, Hispanics, unionists, “workers” and so forth.

But their real religion is progressivism, otherwise known as the naked pursuit of power and when it’s necessary they’ll dump their identities and the “principles” they supposedly include (#MeToo, Black Lives Matter) in a heartbeat to gain and retain power.