“President” Joe Biden is in big trouble and everybody knows it.

A single snapshot of a single poll is not trustworthy, you need multiple polls and over time to show the trend because that’s what matters, and the trend for Biden has been down from the start of his “presidency”

And it’s not just popularity or national polls. He’s down against Trump in the key battleground states needed to win the 2024 Presidential election:

It should be remembered that at this stage of the race Trump was doing poorly against Clinton in 2016 and really poorly against Biden in 2020. Why does this matter?:

“just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College.”

Of course, Trump is no stranger to narrow victories. He won the 2016 election thanks to just under 80,000 combined votes in three of those six key states.

But as just one caveat a Michigan GOPr scoffs at the reports that Michigan has become a toss-up state, even though Trump won it in 2016 and didn’t lose by much in 2020; his reasoning why the Michigan polls won’t matter is that the Michigan GOP machine is in pieces on the ground. Part of Biden’s problem in the state is the large Muslim community, who are not at all happy with his stance on the Israel-Hamas war, but that writer points out that an intact Democrat machine will be able to work hard to get those voters out for Biden in November.

Could the same situation, handicapping Trump, exist in other battleground states, if for different reasons? Of course it could. The garbage of mass mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, ballot curing (fixing voter “mistakes”), lack of address and signature matches, and so forth, were all baked into the 2020 pie in states like Pennsylvania, with the rationale being Covid fear keeping those poor Democrat voters at home. I’ve seen no sign that the GOP, either locally or nationally, has been challenging those things in legislatures or the courts – and the Trump campaign seemingly remains as clueless and innocent about them as they were at that election, until after the fact. As then and in 2016, Trump seems to think that the Love Me, Love Me, Love Me feelz of his voters will get the job done.

Trump won in 2016 because Hillary was more hated than he was, shown by the fact that he often won States (and counties within States) with lower vote totals than McCain and Romney obtained in losing to Obama in 2008 and 2012 respectively.

In 2020 this was reversed, with a “moderate”, goofy old Uncle Joe up against Orange Hitler.

But that won’t work a second trick. Biden’s problems extend even beyond national popularity and voter polls and his battleground state problems. They also include Democrat faction problems:

  • The Muslim-American vote that Biden is now pandering to, because it might affect more than just Michigan.
  • The Millenial/Gen-Z vote is cratering. They consist of forty percent of the 2024 vote.
  • The Hispanic and Black vote is moving away from him. Trump is pulling 22% of the Black vote while he’s within single digit range of Biden with Hispanics. Anything below 90% of the Black vote dooms the Democrats without even looking at the Hispanics. This again is a trend which has been ongoing since Obama’s last victory in 2012, but Trump has accelerated it.
  • The White Working Class has been abandoning the Democrats since 2008. In 2012 it was noted with some shock that the Obama campaign barely bothered reaching out to them. In 2016 they went for Trump: even more so in 2020 even with “Joe from Scranton” on the ticket.

This is even showing up amongst actual Democrat activists:

I have been a loyal Democrat for as long as I can remember. I spearheaded Joe Biden’s exploratory effort in 2015, served as a senior adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders during the 2016 and 2020 elections, and even played a role as a fundraiser for Biden during the 2020 general election.

The main reason I am leaving the Democratic Party is its utter disconnect with the American people. The party that once championed the working class has now been overtaken by elites in affluent hubs who couldn’t care less about the struggles of the average American. This shift has left many Americans, including myself, unheard and feeling like an afterthought of the Democratic Party. 

He and tens of millions of other Americans.

And this is not just because Biden’s senility presents more obviously with every passing day. There are solid policy reasons behind these polls:

  1. The open US-Mexican border. Denied and obfuscated since January 2021, the massive influx of illegal aliens (estimates range from 8 to 12 million in just three years) into “sanctuary” cities like Chicago and NYC has the Democrats now in a full-blown panic as they see the direct impact even on the Hispanic vote. Turns out that working class people who busted their ass legally to get into the USA are not happy about their wages being undercut by the desires of the Chamber of Commerce.
  2. The poor economy. “Bidenomics” has been dropped as a soundbite as it turns out that you can’t gaslight your claims about job creation or GDP growth in the face of simple post-Covid recovery, nor can you claw back an incredible 20% drop in purchasing power that has hit the Middle and Working Classes the hardest.
  3. Crime. Admittedly this is a local issue, but the Soros-backed DA’s are all in the Democrat party camp and neither State or Federal-level Democrats are willing to attack them so the Democrats are getting hung with the results. And while the locals of Blue cities and States will still vote Democrat there are other places looking at them and saying, “we don’t want that here“.
  4. The general feeling that the nation is going insane (Bill Maher), which this Biden voter spotted in 2022, after decades of loving the Democrat Party, especially Obama (as she demonstrates with her past writings and videos) and even the hopeless Dukakis. But now:

    I used to be a true blue Democrat. I voted faithfully in every election. I can even remember voting for Dukakis. My faith remained unshaken for most of my adult life… They’re not even political party anymore. They’ve become a religious movement fighting what they consider a religious war, a war of ideology… We might not be able to purge this madness from our culture. But we most certainly can purge it from our government. If the Democrats refuse to stand up to the “new puritans” brand of injustice, intolerance, and ongoing hysteria, they must go.

Here’s the Maher clip.

The Biden family corruption should not be dismissed as a Beltway issue. Despite the relentless efforts of the D.C. bureaucracies and the MSM to hide this from the American public it has broken through, such that up to 70% of them (including an incredible 40% of Democrats) believe Biden has acted either unlawfully or unethically in the overseas business dealings of his family.

And so to the Electoral Map:

It should therefore not be a surprise that there is a groundswell in the left-wing media warning that Joe Biden is not up to another run for the White House. From stories saying that he’s too old to run again, to explorations about his declining mental fitness, to stories saying outright that he should not run, the media is working to prepare the public for Biden’s withdrawing. Even former Obama political analyst David Axelrod is worried that Biden is a sure loser and should seriously consider quitting the race.

Can Biden still win in the face of all of this? Of course. For a start he faces one of the most hated men in US political history, a man who constantly steps on his own dick. Second, the Democrat Machines of those battleground states have won Presidencies for Democrats against the odds (Truman 1948, Kennedy 1960, Biden 2020) and they can do it again.

But the odds this time are much longer.

I’ll leave the last word to Black radio host, Charlamagne tha God, who will not be voting Trump but sees things clearly, especially in pointing out how he’s never seen the working-class folks he knows so upset about the “migrant issue.”

Why are we acting like President Biden has ever been like a great presidential candidate?” Charlamagne exclaimed. “I mean, the guy’s ran quite a few times before and, you know, didn’t even get close. Like, if it wasn’t for a series of unfortunate circumstances in 2020, COVID in particular, the murder of George Floyd, like, you know, people being in the streets protesting, rioting. And I think that there probably would have been a different outcome in 2020. So he’s just never been a good candidate, ever, like in the history of life! Just look at the record of the times he ran before. I just don’t think- he’s not a good messenger in any way, shape or form. I just don’t think he inspires people. These candidates have to inspire you.

See also GOPs vs The Establishment.