I can only assume that the grassroots fight back in the USA against this racist shite is beginning to bite, because all of sudden the MSM is starting to run stories and articles and news items that are trying to gaslight the whole thing.

The gaslighting is the same as that used against the Tea Party protests in 2009-10, in that it’s “racist” and created by the Republican Party and Fox News as battle-space preparation for the 2022 mid-term elections.

Specifically they’re hitting the following themes:

  • Nobody really understands CRT. It’s just an academic theory.
  • If bad things are happening it’s because “fringe groups” and “some individuals” are twisting the theory to their own purposes.
  • It’s only about “racial justice” and “anti-racism” – and who could be opposed to such good things.
  • It’s not about hating on White People. That’s just crazy talk.

Ok. So instead of fighting the whole “White Boy” fight, let’s turn the argument over to the people for whom this theory is supposed to make life better (“Kill Disparate Impact”).

A Black dad with two medical degrees goes off on Critical Race Theory.

A Black dad with his little munchkin of a daughter, goes off on CRT:

A Black mother goes off on the Loudoun County School Board about CRT

And of course the Black professor of linguistics from Columbia university, John McWhorter.

But if the mantra is that what we need to do to solve black America’s problems is “get rid of systemic racism,” we’re in trouble. That analysis, be it explicit or tacit, is based on a third-grader’s understanding of how a society works. More importantly, that analysis does not help black people and often hurts us