I’ll keep this short for two reasons. First, it’s late, I’ve been working all day, and I want to go to bed. Second, because short and sweet is often better than long and verbose: Make your point and sit down, a Judge friend of mine would often say to me over a glass of Pinot.

This is something that has been on my mind for a long time, well prior to this lockdown. The government has a bevvy of medical and scientific advisors, but where are the business advisors and economists stressing how financially destructive the lockdowns are? It can be rationalised, and Gareth Morgan has done it really well. It’s on his Facebook page, so if you cannot access that, here it is verbatim:

Determining our Tolerance of Covid.

The conventional approach to covid that’s emerging in Europe at least is that you get your population sufficiently vaccinated not so you have herd immunity but rather so that your health system can cope with the hospitalisations and in particular ICU needs. The better your health system the lower the vaccination rate you need, the earlier you can open up. On that measure it would be interesting to see when NZ throws away the masks and lockdowns like Denmark and the UK have and as NSW is intending.It’s akin to asking what rate of deaths from covid would we find acceptable, the rate being the number per week say?

Currently the UK leaders are happy with 1.5 per mill per week, Denmark 0.5, Aussie 0.2. What’s our tolerance? O.2 would be 1 person per week. Mimicking Denmark would allow 3, the UK 8? If you – or at least our beloved leaders – pick a number then we can work out the vaccination rate we have to get to and the number of ICU beds we’ll need to let it rip.

The more ICU beds, the lower the vaccination rate we need and vice versa.This is the hard cold reality of the pandemic.

Really it’s no different to traffic accidents, death by the flu, air travel. Make the call on how many isn’t too many and you get the policy settings needed. Of course many people will say no deaths from covid is acceptable. But that’s as naïve as saying we should close the roads so nobody has a road accident. What is missing right now is that the NZ leadership hasn’t communicated how many deaths it will tolerate from covid. Clearly it’s more than zero otherwise they wouldn’t have opened the bubble with Australia, or operated an MIQ that leaks. Once they settle on a target death rate then we’ll all know what our route to living with the virus will be.

Sir Ian Taylor wrote a good piece on the weekend imploring the government to listen to business. The Herald put it behind a paywall, but here’s some teasers:

The economy simply cannot afford to keep replaying the same level 4 restrictions that played out over the past couple of weeks, nor can businesses expect to operate successfully on the international playing fields with an MIQ system that simply has no rules they can play by.

We do understand the pressure the coaching team is under when dealing to a game that is changing constantly on the field in front of you, but, if you could just take your eye off that field for a moment, you will see that sitting below you, you have one of the strongest benches in the world.

Where is the business expertise? Is it being sought? Because it’s really, really needed

Why isn’t David Seymour’s “alternative strategy” being given some thought?

Will the prime minister, safe in her $475,000.00 per annum salary, listen to bar owners, whose livelihoods depend on being open?

An Auckland pub owner is pleading for more support from the Government, saying a lot of hospitality businesses aren’t going to survive the latest lockdown.

Steve Gillett, who owns popular sports bar and restaurant The Kingslander near Eden Park, has written a letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and his local MP, Melissa Lee, saying hospitality businesses simply can’t sustain prolonged periods of lockdown while level 2 conditions are too tough to operate in.

While extra resurgence support payments announced on Friday will help, it’s not enough, said Gillett, who has owned and operated The Kingslander for 16 years.

Can we ever expect a government full of unionists, teachers and social workers to understand the plight of the very people that pay the taxes in this country that allow these parasites to have a public “service” existence?

Probably no. But at least try, you dipshits.