When living in London for just under two years, July 2009 to April2011, I used to enjoy watching this weekly when Parliament was sitting. Started with Gordon Brown and finished with David Cameron.

For thirty minutes on a Wednesday any MP from either side of the house lucky enough to `catch the Speakers Eye’ could ask the Prime Minister any question they wanted. Cameron was quite good at it Gordon Brown not quite so good and of course the Speaker was John Bercow who on such occasions was (I thought) quite fair and gave members from both sides a fair go within the bounds of time constraints.

Past New Zealand Prime Ministers Muldoon, Lange, Moore and Key would have revelled in it.

Bolger, Shipley, Clark and English would have handled it okay I think.

Palmer would have hated it and Ardern probably would not be able to handle it – even with The Despicable Mallard ensuring that only patsy questions got through.

Why do I say Ardern wouldn’t handle it? Well I just heard Jamie McKay from The Country say that they have to forward her the questions for her fortnightly interviews he day before and as I said the other day O’Connor now requires the same. It is probably fair to say that Ardern in particular does not front for any interviews without having received the questions ahead of time.

Are all the current Cabinet Ministers the same?

We are lead by people unable to think on their feet and that is appalling.