….in a whole bunch of famous newspapers and TV channels all said the same thing, it made me more likely to believe them.

A post from the wonderful Samzidata blog which in turn keys off a Twitter account, The Rabbit Hole, that has a great thread on the collected headlines of many, many MSM sources on Covid-19 over the last three years.

In this specific case the headlines contrasting the MSM’s take on Chinese Lung Rot being spread by the Burn Loot Murder riots of 2020 (over George Floyd’s death) with that of the January 6 riot at the US Capitol building

I need hardly tell you that the former protests were held by the MSM to have little to no effect on the spread of the disease, while the Jan 6 affair might turn out to be a “Superspreader” event.

The Rabbit Hole’s distinct take:

It is hard to understate the levels of dishonesty we witnessed during Covid.

No amount of political doublespeak can make this poof away. The game has changed – once the internet has receipts, the evidence is forever.

Under the new paradigm elites will be forced to be transparent and honest or risk losing credibility.

Those who think they can get away with large scale dishonesty without repercussions are fooling themselves.

Sunlight really is the best disinfectant.

I’m not so sure about that as people cannot keep such contrasts in their heads over a period of even two years, while many are perfectly happy with the double standards and many could not care less. Many journalists now fit both categories and will be changed even by the threat of bankruptcy and losing their jobs; they’re ideological and partisan activists first and foremost.

Still the fight to expose these double standards must be continued, with the objective being either the end of these entities or a return to a single set of standards by which to headline and write a story – starting with not creating a Narrative in the first place, around which everything else is fitted.

Unfortunately one cannot also forget the fact that around the world, doctors, nurses and other medical staff – in New Zealand as well – gave the BLM/George Floyd protests a big thumbs up, with the most memorable signs being ones that loudly proclaimed: variations of:


Also read this offshoot Twitter thread about a man describing what the MSM did to his grandfather during the C-19 Pandemic.

And that TV effectively killed him by destroying him mentally:

He would not go around family members that were not Vaccinated, he stopped doing things in public to reduce the risk of c19, and he started losing interest in doing things because of the negativity the news was constantly pumping out…