So fourteen American cities have agreed that by 2030 they will end the use of cars and eating dairy and meat products.


It’s all the usual suspects, by which I mean places run by the Democrat Party.

Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

Sure, you’re asking Philly to give up the two title ingredients of their famous cheesesteak, NY & Chicago to give up their city defining pizzas and Austin to stop doing Texas barbecue, tacos and chilli?

I don’t think so.

But there’s plenty more where that came from:

 As you can see on page 82 of the C40 blueprint for control, “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5ºC World,” the mayors of misery believe that, “progressively,” you should be able to purchase only eight articles of clothing per year, and “ambitiously,” only three items.

Page 90 reveals the globalist’s plan to “progressively” reduce your plane travel to one 932-mile trip every two years; “ambitiously,” every three years. Kiss your yearly romp to Vegas goodbye, and smooch grandma adieu as well if she isn’t within biking distance.

You may be laughing as you read this because it’s so insane, but these people are deadly serious.