I’ve no idea if my comment on DPF’s post, Goldsmith gets It, will make it through moderation over at Kiwiblog so here it is.


“It’s ok folks. I just fired that terrible guy Yezhov and replaced him with a smarter guy. Somebody called… Ber….Beria. Yes, that’s him: Beria. Can’t wait to see what happens”

No. No. No. No. Fucking No!

FFS! This is exactly what I expected from a National-led government. Fire one guy but leave the institution in place and hire a “better” person.

Who will, at best, last no longer than when a Labour-Green-Te Paiti Maori government takes power in 2029 or 2032 and appoints another Paul Hunt, or more likely someone worse.

Not to mention all the little minions who will keep their heads down, keep their jobs and be ready to service their Leftist masters and Leftist ideology – all the Identity-Politics-Intersectional-Oppressed-Oppressor shite that is, in their minds, the new core of “human rights” – the moment they get the chance.

If you cannot convince such people that their ideas are terrible and that they should not be using them to fuck over their ideological and political enemies – and there is no evidence that you have or will convince them – then the only solution is to disarm them of their weapons like the HRC.

The problem was not Yezhov or Beria, or their distant successors like Andropov. The problem was the Cheka / NKVD / KGB.

Destroy it and you’ll never have to worry about this again.

But National won’t wipe out the HRC. They don’t believe they need to. Bigger fish to fry and all that.