First, Sports Illustrated...

A list of fail over time

Then the LA Times:

The far-left Los Angeles Times is dealing with the “abrupt resignation” of its executive editor, Kevin Merida, and a coming round of “major” layoffs.

Separately, the company received a letter from the Guild’s Black, Latino, AAPI [Asian/Pacific American], MENA [Middle East and North African], and Queer caucuses urging management to maintain the gains in diversity reached over the years.”

That I agree with 100 percent.

You see, because I want the Los Angeles Times to die the slowest and most painful and humiliating death possible, please, please, please continue to put “diversity,” quotas, and token hires above merit. That will ensure my dream comes true.

I completely agree. Die slowly!

And this is the cherry on top,  involving the wife of the billionaire owner of the LA Times:

More recently, Michele has reportedly been pushing for Patrick to sell the newspaper, seeing it as a gigantic money suck. During a Zoom conference in 2021 with the Black Caucus, she was said to have broken down in tears, complaining that the family had to write a million-dollar check every week to keep the paper afloat.

A literal charity case. There are some places like the Minneapolis Star Tribune that have been specific in stating that they’re trying to move to a philanthropist charity model and sadly there are a few that might succeed in that second life, given the names they already have.

So I guess we’ll have to find other ways of killing them off.