Yet another dig at the Minister of Broadcasting (admittedly never an impressive figure) in a Buzz From The Behive post at Point of Order includes this statement : “Political commentator Chris Trotter today insists Lee should be deprived of her ministerial warrant. He says her handling – or non-handling – of the crisis engulfing the New Zealand news media has been woeful.

There s no “crisis” engulfing the New Zealand “news” media.

There is a correction, a completely dishonest bunch of communist-orientated, self-opinionated scum are being handed their arse on a plate and a bunch of fast-going-broke fuckwits are taking up the cudgel of “Loser-of-the-year” but none of that is a “crises”, more a reason for all good men to celebrate.

The Minister, no doubt working on the “If you can’t say anything good about them, say nothing” principle is saying nothing – incidentally the exact worth of the New Zealand “news” media.