Having put up a post the other day on yet more examples of “President” Biden’s rotting old brain there comes further news that this is having an impact on his polling.

Gallup’s job approval rating survey looked at the 13th quarter recorded for each president since 1956, which begins on January 20 and ends on April 19. Biden’s job approval rating in his 13th quarter of presidency is considered a historic low at 38.7 percent. It surpasses George H.W. Bush’s previous lowest record of a 41.8 percent average job approval rating.

Ranking     President       13th QuarterAvg Job Approval (%)     Reelected
5G.W. Bush200451.0Yes
9G.H.W. Bush199241.8No

Trump is not exactly Mr Popular himself, but as the recent Bloomberg poll shows Trump has returned to a statistically significant national lead on that measure, 49% – 43% (CNN shows the same), with Biden’s popularity undoubtedly taking a hit from his historically low job approval rating.

However, as I have said many times over the years when looking at US Presidential elections, national polls are irrelevant. Even when a candidate has a blow-out win, like Reagan in 1980 and 1984, the national polls never showed such strength.

What counts are the polls in the swing states, the handful that will decide the election, and the news there is good for Trump. Just as important in polling are the trends, and those too have almost all been positive for Trump for months now.

Finally one caveat on the national polls; while they should be largely ignored for predictive power it should be noted that all such polls, Rasmussen, Gallup, Bloomberg, etc, showed Trump trailing both Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 for months leading up to the election.

Now, they’ve been showing him tied, just behind and then ahead of Biden for months now.

Still, I’m convinced that since this is a fight between two historically unpopular candidates, the final result will turn on the effectiveness of the GOP and Democrat Party machines to get the votes, and on that front the Democrats have been superior to the GOP for more than a decade now.