The New York Times has decided to do a little bit of a memorial for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and they have done it in the wonderful style of writing that is so beloved nowadays when uncomfortable topics are up for discussion.

It’s rather like this NYT headline a few years ago:
You see!
They were special magical rocks that just rose up off the ground and headed straight for the Jewish guy’s car.
Like those special magical planes that just “took aim” at the Twin Towers eighteen years ago.
There are many ways in which half-truths can be sold, but the passive voice is one of the most effective.

Still, I suppose it’s an improvement on this image that filled a page of the New York Times as part of a review of an important new book.

The book had just been published and had been written by a legendary 1960’s leader of the US Far Left, Bill Ayers.
Ayers and his terrorist group The Weather Underground, had set bombs all over the USA, including trying to bomb the Pentagon. And there was nothing passive about his voice, back then or in the book:

“I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough”

The edition of the NYT containing that review hit the New York streets in the early hours of the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
If you love history you have to love irony.And unlike any Right-Winger who ever uttered such words or something similar, Mr Ayers has continued to have a career in academia, living comfortably in Chicago, where he is a figure respected enough to be regularly invited to make speeches.

No shame in righteousness you see.

Check out the previous example of this repeating theme of headlines and “reporting” that is made to fit within an already established Narrative. Here it’s, Islamic Jihadists Must Not Be Mentioned.

Previously it was, No Credit Must Be Given Trump Under Any Circumstances: Die MSM, Die 2.0 – The Narrative (NYT flip-flops)

Heh! Loved this reponse:“Got to get those airplanes under control, keep them from hijacking hapless terrorists.”

For those of you who thought this passive wording bullshit was the fault of some moronic little intern, it wasn’t. It’s a direct quote from the linked article:

Layers and layers of fact checkers and editors…..

Yay! They finally figured it out: