During the Trump Presidency woke Hollywood and its partners in the Media often attempted humour to attack the elected President and right out there were some cringe worthy efforts by one Alec Baldwin who had been largely sliding under my radar until then.

Karma or just further stupid but it was reported yesterday that the man who should have faced court for his inanity was on a set of a film he was co-producing in New Mexico when he shot dead a director of cinematography with a “Prop Weapon” and wounded another director.

The lengths media went to yesterday in reporting the tragic outcome were in themselves pure comedy. One source quoted on NZ State TV went along with “a weapon in his hand discharged and someone was fatally wounded”. Crikey just as well the stupid fuck didn’t point a weapon at another person in total contravention of every safety measure this silly old coot has observed and enforced since he first held the old single shot Stevens lever action .22 at around age five following its use to dispatch a pig for the larder.

The dumb bastard was reported as distraught following the death but he made a remarkable recovery when seen in a photo in a Canadian publication said to be of Baldwin leaving a sheriff’s office after making a statement on the shooting shortly after. Clutching his beautiful designer sunglasses and appearing absolutely nothing resembling distraught in any way. Then again it is suggested he makes his way in the world portraying false images of persons I guess.

nb it is also reported “No charges are involved in the tragedy”, well blow me away such a tragedy should require a serious investigative process as a person, clearly nowhere near as prominent or notable as Mr Baldwin is no longer breathing and somewhere there are people more than a little upset surely. Perhaps ‘careless use of a firearm’ is not a part of the firearms laws in New Mexico but it could be suggested that a prima facie case of that or similar might just be a go.