After talking themselves up a couple of months ago the Democrats have had reality start catching up to them in the form of polling that now screens for likely voters rather than just registered voters, and is showing them in a lot of trouble.

A recent analysis of several polls by the US Lefty Luvvie fave, the NYT, showed that none of the issues that the Democrats care about are ones that the public cares about. This horrified the authors of the article, who expressed shock and surprise at this result, which is yet another unintended example of how useless they are as news media when living in such a bubble.

As usual the great American cartoonist, Michael Ramirez, captures it in one look.

The desperation induced by this mis-match of issues is also resulting in some behaviour that’s borderline illegal, as captured in Arizona.

After they spent money promoting Kari Lake in the Republican primary – on the theory that a Trump-backed candidate would be a sure loser in that “purple” state (like Trump himself was supposed to be in 2016 😉) – you’d have expected them to come up with better ways of campaign spending. But as with much else, the Democrats are stupid when it comes to spending.

Perhaps they should also have kept a closer eye on their candidate selection, but I guess Biden in 2020 gave them false confidence, hence the hopeless creature running against Lake and of course, this – this literally brain-damaged man – in Pennsylvania: Ramirez again.