…. endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other ‘common cold’ viruses, cause significant mortality and morbidity and are important public health concerns. Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines. In this review, we examine challenges that have impeded development of effective mucosal respiratory vaccines, emphasizing that all of these viruses replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts, within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled.”

That’s from a recent article published in a medical magazine called Cell:

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

Let me give you a quick synopsis of the article which is basically what I learned about viruses and vaccines at high school and university:

  • Vaccines are not suitable for coronaviruses because these respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. They replicate in the mucosal system (nose, lungs) to be spread to other humans before they hit your immune system where they usually get wiped out. Evolution is clever like that. As the article notes:

    “This observation raises a question of fundamental importance: if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection, how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to do so?”

  • This is the answer to the fifty year old question, If they can land a man on the Moon why can’t they cure the Common Cold?. It’s also the reason that flu vaccines, despite being an impressive development thirty years ago, are still not very good, with a best case record of 60% protection in one North American flu season and the worst being 19%, with the rest in between and usually below 50%
  • Vaccines can only be “sterilizing” when the virus is a stable one like Smallpox and Measles. It should be noted that even with these far worse diseases mandates have never been imposed for vaccination, not out of some Libertarian goal of My Body, My Choice, and allowing free riders, but because it is not necessary for public health or, in the case of the former disease, elimination.
  • It takes a long time to test a vaccine, or as the article puts it:

    “Considering that vaccine development and licensure is a long and complex process requiring years of preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy data, the limitations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines remind us that candidate vaccines for most other respiratory viruses have to date been insufficiently protective for consideration of licensure
  • For coronaviruses, there is really only one way forward: better anti-viral treatments, therapeutic treatments, and, of course, acquired immunity.

I knew this decades ago, which was why I have never taken a flu vaccine, knowing how hit and miss it is. As I get older and my immune system weakens then I may do so because the cost/benefit calculation will have changed.

Epidemiologists and virologists also knew this, which is why such people wrote our MOH’s Influenza Pandemic Plan in 2010 and kept updating it, while never mentioning, let alone proposing, population lockdowns, mask mandates outside of healthcare staff, or vaccine mandates.

Dr Fauci also knew all this, and he is the author of that article. Writing any of this stuff in the last three years would have seen you banned from Social Media sites, the MSM and the subject of snarking and derision, plus outright abuse. Remember:

If you don’t do what we tell you, Grandma will die.

He lied through his teeth about everything and the real kicker is that he’s still so utterly confident in his untouchability that he can write this after retirement – and he’s probably correct in that assessment.

But in all honesty no punishment possible could possibly match what I would like anyway, which at a minimum would be stripping him of his pensions and any investments he made in the pharmaceutical industry, plus jail time – all the way to that good old American custom of tarring and feathering. A public execution is probably a little too harsh and in any case would not be necessary since the objective here is less punishment of Fauci for his sins than for the mirror objective to that of the British Navy executing Captain Byng by firing squad on the quarterdeck of his own flagship which, in the words of a French historian Voltaire, “was done to encourage the others”.

It’s like the old Sex Pistols song: “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”