Following hot on the heels of this correction by Time Magazine…

… comes this admission from former Washington Post journalist (also The American ProspectThe Atlantic, and Slate and Vox)and huge Democrat Party supporter, Matthew Yglesias:

Remember this the next time Yglesias tries to sound like he has superior knowledge.

It also brings this classic comedy scene to mind from the Blackadder III episode, Ink and Incapability

Baldrick (B): Gertrude Perkins?

Edmund Blackadder (E): Yes, I gave myself a female pseudonym. Everybody’s doing it these days: Mrs. Ratcliffe, Jane Austen…

B: What, Jane Austen’s a man?

E: Of course. A huge Yorkshireman with a beard like a rhododendron bush.

B: Oh, quite a small one, then?

E: Well, compared to Dorothy Wordsworth’s, certainly. James Boswell is the only real woman writing at the moment, and that’s just because she wants to get inside Johnson’s britches