Dear oh dear.

Fresh off their hypocrisy of claiming to be a “sanctuary” for illegal aliens – before allowing just fifty of them to sleep in a church hall for one night then booting them off the island to somewhat less salubrious conditions at a Massachusetts military base, with the help of local Police and National Guard troops – the utterly shameless and cluelessly insincere Martha’s Vineyard crowd started whinging about the above incident:

“I was so upset, understandably so,” Aquinnah denizen Sarah Melkonian presumptuously told the Boston Globe. Her neighbor Liz Whitman denounced the plane banner as “absolute idiocy,”

In an online residential discussion group that was initially “closed” but has since been security-upgraded to “private,” Melkonian denounced the “continuing harassment” inherent in having to see an upsetting airplane banner for less than an hour, which she comically called a “national disgrace.” 

“[I’m] horrified by the ugly targeting you are experiencing there,” wrote seasonal resident Mary Williams Montague

Seasonal? That means her place is empty – like the Obama’s multi-room mansion. They could have rented it out to the illegals; the government would likely have paid.

It gets better though:

… irate Vineyard residents immediately set about trying to discover who was behind the airplane incident, who authorized the plane’s flight, and even who manufactured the banner. An inquiry that islanders apparently placed with the Federal Aviation Administration revealed that the offending plane is too small to require federal tracking information.

According to Geoff Freeman, director of the island’s only airport, numerous residents phoned him demanding to know where the flight had originated. 

WHO DARES TO MOCK US! You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. One of Far Lefter Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals states that “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon” – especially when it’s used against people as lacking in self-awareness and as far up their own backsides as this lot:

Chilmark resident Robert Skydell, a retiree who writes the occasional ornery piece for the Vineyard Gazette, a dull island magazine, thought it would be productive to invite “right-wing media pundits” for “a tour and show them what a safe, diverse, and multicultural community actually looks like.”

Yeah. When I look at the Social Media and Magazine pics, as well as the demographic stats of that island it just screams “multicultural”. Must be due to the Obama’s!

The last word goes to this prick

Wes Nagy, a Vineyard church music director and reported “believer in karma,” who estimated that the cost of the airplane banner “could’ve fed the immigrants for a month.” It did not occur to him that they might have been fed for an even longer time by the $43,000 raised via GoFundMe under the call “Urgent plea to help Martha’s Vineyard migrants.” Astonishingly, that collection was not forwarded to cover their further needs. According to the GoFundMe page, it has instead gone to the Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation, a self-described “$16-million organization,” for use in ”building up a reserve to assist situations like this” the next time DeSantis sends migrants to the island. 

Excellent. Sounds like an open invitation for DeSantis.